Monday, July 19, 2010

And so it begins

There are things you think about, talk about, whisper about, dream about...

For us that is a baby. A little baby to have as a part of our family. But that it is not as easy at it may sound. For a lot of women, they can start trying with their husbands or boyfriends...but for some women, things are a little different.

The thing is, there are no little swimmers in the mix. My partner and I want a little bambino/a but a missing a piece of the puzzle. So now, we have decided that we are going to take the matter into our own hands...and pocket book.

It may have taken all my will to even write this first blog post. I over think everything. Who knows what this will actually turn out to be, but we are gonna try. I am sure that there are gonna be some ups and downs, disappointments and surprises. It actually seems real and surreal all at the same time. Part of that is because we are actually about to start the "real" process. I mean, I had an appointment today to talk to the doctor lady about some logistical stuff and the whole process, which was a huge thing for me to even schedule. I can talk all day about wanting a baby...but it scares me shitless. I mean, I can barely get our laundry done for goodness sakes! How in the world will we take care of another living thing?* The hope is that the first go around will be in August, which means we gotta get this show on the road.

We know that we still have alot to learn about this whole getting pregnant hopefully we will be able to share what we learn...we shall see.

Until next time

*We are able to take care of the cats...which is a start =)


Angie said...

i love the time line.

<3's and hugs and lots of love for you two.

lipstick said...

I just updated it...with photos!!!