About Us and Timeline

August '01
LS and CS both go to the same college and take classes together but don't know it.

December '03
LS and CS meet for the first time. LS is indifferent.

January '04
LS and CS work together at their college...once again LS is indifferent and wary of CS advances. LS eventually becomes puddy in CS hands.
April '04
LS and CS make it "official".

April '05
CS asks LS to marry her. LS says yes.

July '05
LS and CS move together to go to grad school...in the same program.

UMD's Testudo the Mighty Turtle { Now i remember why UMD's Athletics   is so fuggin' RAD  !! }

September '06
LS and CS get married!

May '07
LS and CS graduate from grad school and start preparing for the "real world".

June '07
LS and CS move to Baltimore and begin working. Eventually talks of a baby begin...all in the theoretical of course.

January'10 through July '10
LS and CS start to save save save $$$$ for the "budget cut".

July '10
Set up appointment with RE.

 August '10 
Failed Appointment with RE

September '10 
A whole lot of nothing

October '10
New Ob/GYN
Started Provera

Jan '11
Try #1 (1/12 and 1/14)
BFN (1/27)

Feb '11
Try #2

March '11
Try #3

Break (Apr '11)

May '11
Try #4