Thursday, July 22, 2010

Alot can happen over lunch

Today, the wifey aka Chapstick has a lunch date. This is no ordinary lunch date. This is a very important lunch date...but the person she is having lunch with doesn't know how important it could be.

CS has a lunch date with a friend of hers that she wants to ask to be a known-donor (KD). She has every intention of asking him to be our possible KD over appetizers and soup. I am imagining something like this:

CS: So what are you gonna order?
PKD: Oh, maybe the broccoli cheese soup. What about you?
CS: I was thinking the cuban sandwich. Oh, and I need to get a take home order for the wife...
PKD: Oh, what does she want?
CS: Some of your go please.

I will say this: she love love loves this particular guy. She once said to me "If I were a gay man I would be just like him!" She used to work with him and got t0 know him very well. I have met him once...and that scares me a little bit. But I trust CS's judgement! I mean, she did pick her people reading skills must be pretty good...

I will report back when I know more. *Fingers crossed*


Angie said...


You guys are really moving forward with this. :))))))))))

From conception to Concepcion! I love it.

Isa said...

How did it go? We kept thinking about asking friends to be a KD, and then backing out at the last minute before the conversation. I always wonder how those go...