Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Couple Things

My insurance company can suck it and so can my Nurse Practicioner. Welcome to the world of "self pay"...
Also, I wish we weren't the ethical people that we are because we might embark on an insurance scam. But alas, we have ethics, like our freedom, and want to do the damn thing!

In other news, we have an appointment to see a RE (reproductive endocrinologist for all the non- TTC peeps) on August 2...and already they seem way cool, understanding and all around awesome. Not to mention that the woman who took my appointment was super fun to talk to and she said that Dr. K was super funny! Thank Gawd! Because if he wasn't...well let's just say I might have to tell him to suck it just like my insurance company.

That is all.

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