Thursday, February 3, 2011

If you don't'll cry

Thank god our KD has a sense of humor about all of this nonsense...Please enjoy our email exchange below:

Me to KD: 

So....I'm not pregnant. Bleh. Anyway, we continue forward. 

Can we schedule times for this month? I was hoping we could do more times to up the chances..maybe?
I am thinking we are looking at the following days:

Friday Feb 11
Sunday Feb 13
Tuesday Feb 15
Thursday Feb 17
Saturday Feb 19

Also, I will be using an ovulation predictor kit this cycle in conjunction with all kinds of other stuff I have already been doing to get the timing just right. If it came to be that I am ovulating on a day not listed above could I call you to set up an impromptu pick up? It would be during this set of dates, but, for example, it could be that I ovulate on the 12th instead of the 13th....who knows...

Anything I can do to get preggers!!!!!!

Just let me know what time on the dates above work for you and I will make it work. 

Oh and we should be getting your the donor contract asap. Our lawyer just emailed it to us yesterday and should be getting it to you very soon. You will need to sign it in the presence of a Notary Public. We can all go to one together...I have one in mind. 


KD to Me

:( I'm sorry.

well lets see,
all of these days work for me! you kinda know my schedule now, so lets do it!
call me when you're ovulating! lol

send me a list of dates you are thinking of doing the whole notary public thingie... which makes me wonder if you really need to send me the contract!? if we will all go sign it together anyways!? o.O! idk just a thought. save postage?!

Anywhoo, let me know if there is anything I should be doing besides keeping my pants on lock down.

Me back to KD

HAHAHAHA! Seriously you had me cracking up at my desk. And my co-worker thought I was dying. 
And you work on Monday and Wednesday nights right? Which right now shouldn't be an issue unless my ovaries decided to get to working on one of those nights....

Anyway, Here is what I am thinking. 

Friday Feb 11 @ 6:30pm
Sunday Feb 13 @ 4:30pm
Tuesday Feb 15 @ 6pm
Thursday Feb 17 @ 6pm
Saturday Feb 19 @ 2:30pm


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