Friday, January 21, 2011

My favorite Baby Things

So I was over at small obsessions and reading Isa's post on planning and how she has begun "pretend" shopping to get through the tww and it started me thinking about all the fun baby things that I would love to have. It also got me thinking about all the crazy ridiculous looking baby things that are out there. This is my ode to the most ridiculous baby items a parent could own.

The Zanky Infant Pillow...oh hey creepy hand pillows that look like thing from the Addams Family. Why yes, go ahead and caress my newborn.


The Snot Sucker...what a wonderful name! Yes, please can I add this to my baby registry?

Hello Sigourney that your alien baby popping out? No it's just the Peekaru...


Oh, your baby is bald? Well now you dont have to wait for nature to take it's course. Instead you can put the dead hair of someone else on your baby's head. Of course! Why didnt I think of that! And it is only $29.95 here at the official Baby Bangs Site

Not that babies have been crawling on unprotected knees since, oh I dont know, the first baby came along?!?!? But yes, can I have some baby knee pads please?

And last but not least...


In case you dont want to figure out on your own why your baby is crying, here is a gps for the road of newborns...bleh I say to the baby Crying Analyzer...if you buy it now you can get if for $40 instead of $100...

Dumb dumb dumb...dont new parents have to buy enough stuff for their baby without having to think they have to buy even more?


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Oh my goodness those hand pillows! WTH?!?!

Becky said...

Wow, those are some incredibly bizarre finds--I think the hand pillows absolutely (perhaps even "hands down"?...heh) win on creepiest!

Mama L said...

that is too much!! i totally agree ... the hands win it for the most disturbing find! lol ... thanks for the laugh today. =)

Anonymous said...

I am totally cracking up right now. I really don't know what's creepier the hands or the bangs. Hilarious!