Friday, August 6, 2010

OMG!! Are you for real?!?!?

Ok folks...big big news!

Chapstick had a follow up lunch with our possible known donor....and he said YES!!! Shut up!!!! I got a call from her today and she let me know that they had lunch....and he had gotten tested for all that yucky stuff....stds...and he is clean as a whistle! She told me this and I may have fallen out of my chair....for real...and then my boss came to my office and didnt know what to do with the fact that I was on the phone picking myself up off the floor...

Ok kids! We have a known donor! KD KD KD!!! So know we need to set up dinner to talk some things through with our KD....and I have now begun my ravenous search of the internet for examples of known donor contracts! Any advice or templates would be much appreciated!


Anonymous said...

check out the Maia Midwifery website. They do a lot of work with queer women and have some sample contracts on their website. Also you can check out the lesbian legal defense website and HRC.

Very excited for you!! Congrats!!

Angie said...


Anonymous said...

Just stumbled on from another’s blog and wanted to send lots of luck as you begin this process! I have no advice or experience with known donors but lots in this community do.

Nicole said...

Hey. Just came across your blog and wanted to say hi and good luck! If you're still pursuing the known donor route I'm happy to chat about it. We've also gone that route (although didn't do a contract).