Friday, July 23, 2010

You know that baby would be the gayest baby ever...right?

Ok, so here is the update:

The wifey had her lunch date yesterday. And her overall take on it was that it was a good convo...but super awkward...mostly for her. Ms. Chapstick is super outgoing and crazy fun and awesome, so I didn't think that she would have any awkward feelings/reservations about asking possible KD for his swimmers...suffice it to say I was way off base. I got the lowdown from her and she said that it went something like this"

CS and PKD have lunch...CS does not ask about being a KD
CS and PKD finish up lunch and pay the tab...still no asking
CS and PKD proceed to walk back to CS's office...CS realizes she better get to asking
CS proceeds to do an awkward verbal dance, saying she has something to ask PKD, is very nervous about it, feels awkward and doesn't want PKD to freak out
PKD starts to freak out
CS asks PKD to be our known donor
PKD says "You know, ummm you are asking me to do this in front of a church...right...."
CS says "I know...."
PKD says " You know that baby would be the gayest baby ever...right?"
CS says "Uh...yeah!"

So in the end, PKD said he needed to think it over. Which we totally get. I think I like that answer more than an immediate yes because it means that he knows what a big freakin' deal it is for us...and for him. I told CS that she should email him when she gets back from her conference in Vegas...if she ever gets to Vegas. She has been trying to get to Vegas since last night. Apparently there was some crazy weather in Milwaukee which caused her flight to get diverted to Chicago and she had to spend the night in the lovely Midway airport. She has a seat on a flight  to Hot-lanta and then to Vegas...which means she wont be there until midnight. And then she comes back to Baltimore early Sunday morning on a red eye from she wont even be in Vegas for 24 hours...Here is what she had to say about that (she saw this book in the airport).

From Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss

Oh! The Places You’ll Go!
You’ll be on your way up!
You’ll be seeing great sights!
You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights....
Except when you don’t.
Because, sometimes, you won’t.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Alot can happen over lunch

Today, the wifey aka Chapstick has a lunch date. This is no ordinary lunch date. This is a very important lunch date...but the person she is having lunch with doesn't know how important it could be.

CS has a lunch date with a friend of hers that she wants to ask to be a known-donor (KD). She has every intention of asking him to be our possible KD over appetizers and soup. I am imagining something like this:

CS: So what are you gonna order?
PKD: Oh, maybe the broccoli cheese soup. What about you?
CS: I was thinking the cuban sandwich. Oh, and I need to get a take home order for the wife...
PKD: Oh, what does she want?
CS: Some of your go please.

I will say this: she love love loves this particular guy. She once said to me "If I were a gay man I would be just like him!" She used to work with him and got t0 know him very well. I have met him once...and that scares me a little bit. But I trust CS's judgement! I mean, she did pick her people reading skills must be pretty good...

I will report back when I know more. *Fingers crossed*

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

If I don't laugh...

I dream of the days when I can have my very own pregnancy photo shoot...but this is not what I have in mind:

In other news...I told CS about my crazy day of phone calls yesterday, crying at my desk after talking with the stupid lady at my Nurse Practitioner's office. She was wonderful as always and laughed when I told her that I said this to the lady form the office:

"How am I supposed to know if I am infertile? I don't have sex with men!"
CS responded with "Duh! No penis!"

And then we ate too many chips at Chili's.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Couple Things

My insurance company can suck it and so can my Nurse Practicioner. Welcome to the world of "self pay"...
Also, I wish we weren't the ethical people that we are because we might embark on an insurance scam. But alas, we have ethics, like our freedom, and want to do the damn thing!

In other news, we have an appointment to see a RE (reproductive endocrinologist for all the non- TTC peeps) on August 2...and already they seem way cool, understanding and all around awesome. Not to mention that the woman who took my appointment was super fun to talk to and she said that Dr. K was super funny! Thank Gawd! Because if he wasn't...well let's just say I might have to tell him to suck it just like my insurance company.

That is all.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Ok, I have to admit that I have been a blog lurker for some time now. And I took me a little while to figure out what all these abbreviations mean on blogs related to women that are trying to conceive (TTC is the abbreviation for that). Thank goodness I came along Just A Pair of Moms (In Training)'s page on commonly used abbreviations! Life Saver! I feel like I can now understand this very foreign land of baby making! For so long I was reading posts and having to google each abbreviation. Now I can just reference this page. Soon I hope to be fluent in this whole TTC language. Right now I would say that I am "conversationally fluent". Soon I hope to be able to be a TTC language instructor...but that takes immersion!

And so it begins

There are things you think about, talk about, whisper about, dream about...

For us that is a baby. A little baby to have as a part of our family. But that it is not as easy at it may sound. For a lot of women, they can start trying with their husbands or boyfriends...but for some women, things are a little different.

The thing is, there are no little swimmers in the mix. My partner and I want a little bambino/a but a missing a piece of the puzzle. So now, we have decided that we are going to take the matter into our own hands...and pocket book.

It may have taken all my will to even write this first blog post. I over think everything. Who knows what this will actually turn out to be, but we are gonna try. I am sure that there are gonna be some ups and downs, disappointments and surprises. It actually seems real and surreal all at the same time. Part of that is because we are actually about to start the "real" process. I mean, I had an appointment today to talk to the doctor lady about some logistical stuff and the whole process, which was a huge thing for me to even schedule. I can talk all day about wanting a baby...but it scares me shitless. I mean, I can barely get our laundry done for goodness sakes! How in the world will we take care of another living thing?* The hope is that the first go around will be in August, which means we gotta get this show on the road.

We know that we still have alot to learn about this whole getting pregnant hopefully we will be able to share what we learn...we shall see.

Until next time

*We are able to take care of the cats...which is a start =)